Safety Engineering

We provide safety management systems for minimizing dangers at every level of an organization. From a single incident investigation to a complete safety culture assessment, safety management services help businesses meet regulatory requirements, protect their reputations and take steps to keep their employees safe.

Based on our clients’ specific concerns, we develop solutions that help them establish, manage and monitor activities to improve safety performance. We provide the following for your organisation:-

Hazard Analysis & Risk Management

Risk or danger arises out of hazards. Safety is the freedom from risk to the level desired. Risk is the product of two functions that is probability of an event which might occur and severity of event if it occurs. The purpose of risk management is to reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring and/or minimising the resultant consequences.

We use engineering-based and field-proven methods to offer our clients practical, rational and holistic risk management systems and solutions. From quantitative and probabilistic risk  modelling to qualitative hazard assessment, we can help you design an overall risk management system or conduct a specific analysis. We conduct the following activities, as part of Risk Management, which are iterated through the life of the project:-

  • Hazard Identification
  • Hazard Analysis
    • Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)
    • Sub System Hazard Analysis (SSHA)
    • Interface Hazard Analysis (IHA)
    • Operating & Support Hazard Analysis (OSHA)
  • Risk Estimation
  • Risk and ALARP Evaluation
  • Risk Reduction
  • Risk Acceptance

Independent Safety Analysis

We provide Safety Analysis services in different phases of the project and products as per the applicable standards:-

  • Safety Requirements
  • Independent Safety Analysis
    • Hazard Analysis,
    • Deterministic Safety Assessment (DSA)
    • Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
    • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Analysis,
    • Compliance to Standards
  • Safety Verification and Validation (V&V)
  • Safety Case